Randomized Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Rom Download UPDATED

Randomized Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Rom Download

Yune: A Universal Burn Emblem Randomizer

Latest Version: 0.9.3


Properly universal this time. Those of yous that used the original may recall that information technology supported all the GBA FEs, but was locked to Windows machines, by and large because I wrote information technology in Visual Basic, which has zero cross compatability. This fourth dimension around, we're taking the opposite approach and starting with a single game first, but working on the three major desktop platforms.

And hey, name change! It's really perfect in a lot of ways because it encapsulates several of my favorites. Aslope Burn Emblem, I'1000 also a fan of Love Live! with my favorite girls existence Minami Kotori in μ'south and Takami Chika in Aqours. Kotori'south symbol reflects her proper name: Picayune Bird. Chika's associated colour is Orange, alongside her symbol, a Mikan (tangerine). Combine these two to become an Orange Little Bird, which leads me to my favorite Burn down Emblem character, which, if you couldn't tell already, was Micaiah from Radiant Dawn. Yune is the name of the orange little bird she has with her in most of her art. And without wishing to spoil those who oasis't played Radiant Dawn, in that location is some other mode Yune is fitting for the name of a randomizer, but I'll leave that to yous, considering if you haven't played Radiant Dawn, you really should.

That's Yune!


  • Fire Keepsake: Genealogy of the Holy War (aka FE4 or ファイアーエムブレム 聖戦の系譜)
  • Burn Emblem: Bounden Blade (aka FE6 or ファイアーエムブレム 封印の剣)
  • Fire Keepsake: Blazing Sword (aka FE7 or ファイアーエムブレム 烈火の剣)
  • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (aka FE8 or ファイアーエムブレム 聖魔の光石)
  • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (aka FE9 or ファイアーエムブレム 蒼炎の軌)

Note that FE4 and FE6 require clean JP versions of those games. The randomizer will do a cheksum comparison to make sure of this. A Checksum failure error indicates an contradistinct or otherwise invalid file. Additionally, FE4 is ok with either a Headered version of the ROM or an Unheadered version.

FE7 and FE8 currently require The states versions of those games. Like above, a cheksum comparison will be performed to brand sure the game is valid for randomization.

FE9 requires the U.s.a. version of the ISO. You practice not need to extract any part of the ISO as the randomizer is capable of reading the file system direct and modifying and rebuilding the ISO. Small caveat: I've run into out of memory issues when randomizing FE9 with a 32-bit JRE. If y'all are on a 32-bit JRE, you will receive a warning when loading FE9 that recommends yous update to a 64-flake JRE. Even if I optimize FE9 to piece of work on a 32-fleck JRE, FE10 will almost certainly bust the retentiveness limit.


The list of releases tin can always be found hither: https://github.com/lushen124/Universal-Iron-Randomizer/releases.


Requirements: JRE >= i.8.0. I was thinking nearly bundling this into the executable, only that'south simply a massive waste of space, and most of you probably can go JRE relatively easily. And if you can't, here you to: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html. I've only tested this with Windows 10, just I don't meet why older versions of Windows would be excluded so long as yous accept JRE.

Important notation: In that location are two versions of the JAR and binary. The i you demand depends on the version of JRE y'all have installed and NOT the version of Windows y'all accept installed. That is to say, you lot can accept a 64-bit version of Windows but yet be running an x86 (32-fleck) version of JRE. I recommend you lot update your JRE to match the architecture for your Windows installation, but if you lot want to retain your x86 JRE, utilise the x86 version. Chances are, if y'all run across a splash screen and then nothing happens, you have the wrong version. As well, if you're trying to randomize FE9, a 64-bit JRE is required, as there isn't enough memory to randomize FE9 with 32-bit JREs.


The Cipher file volition extract an bodily bundle that can be double clicked and run like usual (after any security settings that may try to stop you lot). If you don't know, MacOS apps are actually a folder in disguise, which is why Github shows information technology like i. If, for some reason, you want to run the raw JAR, you need to specify the -XstartOnFirstThread flag. For instance:

              coffee -jar -XstartOnFirstThread Yune\ -\ MacOS.jar                          

Requirements: Like Windows, y'all need a JRE to run it, though most versions of MacOS have 1 included that should be sufficient. If information technology doesn't work, go ahead and grab the newest ane at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html. Tested with Bone Ten 10.13 (High Sierra). Unlike Windows, if yous have any Mac from the last 8 years, yous should have a 64-bit machine (Mac OS X 10.7 King of beasts and higher up).


I don't actually know that much about Linux, but this should piece of work on any distro that supports GTK, which I believe is nearly of them. I also assume that if you are running Linux, you lot besides know your way around things and y'all don't demand a wrapper for a JAR file since near of you are probably using command line, and then you tin can figure it out. For those that are running Linux only don't know how to run this, I can only say how I run it for testing, which is to (like the other OSes) install JRE with:

              $ sudo apt-get install default-jre                          

And and so run it with

              $ coffee -jar Yune\ -\ GTK(x86_64).jar                          

...or something like that. Tested with Ubuntu 16.04.iv.

Also, you may need to chmod it and so that information technology's runnable. That tin can exist washed with

              chmod 777 Yune\ -\ GTK(x86_64).jar                          


Usage is pretty straightforward. In one case you lot've downloaded the app for your platform and you launch it, y'all should be greeted with a relatively unassuming box with a single push button.

One time you click on "Browse", y'all'll exist taken to a File Open up dialog that allows you to select a file. Yune looks for files with the common extensions for the supported games. That is, SFC and SMC for FE4, GBA for FE6, 7, eight, and ISO for FE9. If you have a different extension, y'all can disable the filter to show all files in the bottom correct corner of the dialog window.

Once y'all select your file, if the file is supported (which Yune determines by checking the file's CRC-32 hash), and then the chief window will populate itself with the info of the ROM/ISO too every bit the appropriate options for the game that was detected. But choose how you wish to randomize the game and click Randomize in the bottom right corner in one case you're ready.

Once you lot click on Randomize, Yune will prompt for a new file proper name to salvage as. If you cull the aforementioned filename equally the original file, Yune will create a file with the aforementioned proper noun with "(Randomized)" appended to information technology to avert replacing your original file. Once you lot choose the name, Yune volition start randomizing and show y'all a status bar to let you know things are working.

Once it finishes, y'all'll be notified and then asked if y'all would similar to save a changelog to let you know all of the changes made to the game.

The changelog is in an HTML format and contains data about the settings you lot used and character, course, detail, and chapter data for the game (sections depending on the game), alongside their original values and their new values. But beyond that, that'due south it! Launch your favorite emulator for your game and give it a spin! :)

Randomization Options

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy State of war


Randomizes the growths of each character. This merely involves a grapheme's personal growths. For characters that have holy blood of some kind, their growths are boosted from the holy blood, but that boost is not deemed for here. There are three modes of randomization:

  • Redistribute - Sums upwards the character'due south total growths and randomly redistributes it across all stat areas. Optionally applies variance to the sum.
  • Delta - Applies a random delta to each stat area's growth, adding or subtracting an corporeality up to the variance specified.
  • Full - Discards the character's usual growth charge per unit and generates completely new ones betwixt the specified range.

On height of that, in that location are two additional options that can exist applied.

  • Adjust STR/MAG past Class - Since this game separates Force and Magic into different stats, this option will swap a grapheme'southward STR/MAG stats to ensure that the stat with the higher growth is on the grapheme's primary assail stat. In other words, physical attackers are guaranteed to have a greater or equal growth rate for Force than Magic, and vice versa for magic users.
  • Adjust HP Growths - This option gives HP growths additional weight when redistributing growths and ensures HP growths are in the upper half of the range when fully randomizing growths. This option does zilch when the randomization style is Delta.

Notation: In gild to forbid issues with overflow during inheritence, the maximum growth rate for any character in any area is 85%.


Randomizes the base stats for each character. A graphic symbol's effective bases are determined by the sum of their personal bases and the bases for their class. This randomization option simply involves a graphic symbol'south personal bases. There are two modes of randomization:

  • Redistribute - Sums up the character'south total personal bases and randomly redistributes information technology across all stat areas. HP is non included in this, as at that place is no contribution from the class when determining a character'southward effective base of operations HP. Optionally applies a variance to the sum of growths for a character.
  • Delta - Applies a random delta to each stat area, adding or subtracting a random amount upward to the variance specified.

On peak of that, one more pick is bachelor in both cases.

  • Adjust STR/Magazine past Course - Much like with growths, this selection volition ensure that the character's primary attacking stat will be college than or equal to the secondary attacking stat.

Holy Claret

  • Randomize Growth Bonuses - Holy blood grants its carrier bonuses in their growth rates, contained from the grapheme'due south personal growths. This option randomly redistributes the bonus growth areas for each holy claret, redistributing up to the growth amount specified between all growth areas. The bonuses are doled out in chunks, and Chunk Size tin can exist adapted. Larger chunks result in more full-bodied bonuses, while smaller chunks are more likely to give a spread (virtually of the time). Additionally, an optional HP Baseline tin be given so that HP bonuses are more consistent (though some bloods may also go additional HP bonuses on elevation of that.
    • Generate Unique Bonuses - This selection attempts to re-roll bloods that are deemed too similar to each other so that all bloods have a more unique set of bonuses. It does this by ordering the bonus stat areas from highest to lowest and considers any bloods that accept the same ordering as similar plenty to be re-rolled.
    • STR/Magazine Options - By default, Yune does avoid giving STR to magical bloods and Magazine to physical bloods, only this can now be toggled.
  • Randomize Holy Weapon Bonuses - Characters with Major holy blood proceeds admission to holy weapons, depending on the claret that they accept. These weapons generally requite large stat bonuses when equipped. This option redistributes the bonuses conferred to the user of each type of holy weapon.
  • Assign Holy Blood to Playable Characters - This option randomly assigns holy blood to playable characters. The type of claret tin exist limited to a set that matches their form'due south weapon usage if the Match Blood to Weapon Usage option is checked. The take chances of receiving Major, Minor, or no Holy Blood can as well be customized.


Modifies the skills each character has. At that place are ii modes of assigning skills.

  • Shuffle - Uses the pool of skills unremarkably available between the characters and just shuffles them around.
    • Separate Pools by Generation - Shuffles skills only betwixt characters of the same generation.
  • Randomize - Assigns skills at random using the specified weights for skills. Specific skills tin be enabled, disabled, or weighted higher or lower than other skills. Note that these are specifying weights of a total, and so it's the relation to other skills that counts. Pursuit is also treated separately from other skills, due to the important nature of it. It has its own independent chance of showing up on playable characters. A chance of 100% means all playable characters volition receive Pursuit as a skill (as long as they are eligible to receive a skill).

Regardless of the option higher up, the number of skills a character receives can also be set to either match their normal amount of skills (east.g. Alec will always have two skills, Sigurd volition always have i skill, Claud will ever accept no skills, etc), or the be randomly determined in the case of randomizing skills, or not be limited in the case of shuffling skills, every bit dictated by the Retain Number of Skills option. Much like the skill weights for randomizing skills, skill counts can be enabled, disabled, or whatever weight in betwixt when randomizing skills. Much similar skill weights, these weights are also merely in relation to the other options.

Note: Child units do not accept any skill information defined. Their skills are entirely adamant past their parents. For the purposes of the randomizer, Julia is not considered a child graphic symbol.


Randomly assigns classes to units. Some universal restrictions are in identify for this pick. Namely, any unit that is unremarkably a flier form will remain a flier grade to maintain compatibility. Other restrictions are divers below.

Playable Characters

Randomizes character classes for all playable characters. By default, Lords (Sigurd and Seliph), Thieves (Dew, Patty, and Daisy), Dancers (Silvia, Lene, Laylea), and Julia are non randomized to avoid compatibility issues. Additionally, in order to brand sure scripted events play out properly, Quan and Ethlyn will always be on horseback, and Quan will be restricted from any class that prevents Altena from flying (i.e. simply able to utilise Lances and Swords).

Include Lords - Allows Sigurd and Seliph to exist randomized. This choice also adds Lord Knight and Junior Lord to the course pool.

Include Thieves - Allows Dew, Patty, and Daisy to exist randomized. This pick also adds Thief and Thief Fighter to the course puddle.

Include Dancers - Allows Silvia, Lene, and Laylea to exist randomized. This option also adds Dancer to the course pool, admitting limited to one dancer per generation. Note that this choice volition intermission Silvia's village event in Affiliate 4, as it requires her to be a dancer.

Include Julia - Julia is a special case, as the endgame heavily relies on her with her holy weapon to reliably complete the game. Enabling this choice removes the safeguard from the endgame.

Retain Healers - This pick ensures Edain, Claud, Lana, Muirne, Coirpre, and Charlot can all still use staves. This provides a baseline of healers that you will accept at least a couple of healers on the field in each generation.

Retain Horseback Units - By default, at that place is no weight on the classes selected. Since the maps in this game are quite large, this selection restricts units that are usually on horseback to horseback classes in order to keep chapters moving at their normal speed.

Children Options - There are three options to dictate how children units are assigned their classes. Notation that in all cases, substitute characters volition have the same grade as their child counterparts.

  • Match Parents (Strict) - This pick attempts to match children as closely equally possible to their First Generation analogues. For example, in the base game, Edain's children are Lana and Lester, with Lana sharing a course with Edain herself and Lester sharing a class with Midir. Using this option volition prepare Lana's grade to friction match Edain'southward exactly and Lester's class to match Midir'due south exactly.
  • Match Parents (Loose) - Like to to a higher place, except instead of matching the class exactly, it ensures that the child shares at least one weapon with his/her First Generation analogue. Using the same example above, if Edain were a Myrmidon and Midir were a Condescending, then Lana would be any class that can apply a sword and Lester would be whatever class that tin use either a Sword or a Lance.
  • Randomize - Child characters have entirely random classes.

Holy Blood Options - At that place are three options to dictate how holy blood is handled.

  • No Modify - Do not modify everyone'due south holy blood. A character's class puddle is restricted to classes that back up that grapheme's natural holy blood.

  • Shuffle - This pick is but available if bosses are allowed to be randomize, and setting this option volition strength the equivalent boss option to Shuffle as well. This choice will shuffle holy blood assignment then that all instances of ane blood will now be a different blood. For example, Sigurd has Major Baldr blood and Ethlyn has Minor Baldr blood. With this option, blood can be changed, simply in all cases, Sigurd will always take the Major version of that blood and Ethlyn will always accept the minor version of the same blood.

  • Randomize - Allows characters to change their holy blood. The character'due south grade is not restricted and their holy claret will be adapted to lucifer their new form.

Shop Options - Determines how weapon shop items are ready. Three options are available. Note that this primarily affects the offset generation. The second generation shops largely are determined past your inventory from generation i.

  • No Modify - Practise not modify the shop items.
  • Accommodate to Party - Adjusts shop items based on the classes of the characters you would ordinarily have in each chapter. Shop items are generally scaled based on the chapter they show up, with more powerful weapons simply showing up in subsequently shops.
  • Randomize - Exactly every bit it says: randomly assigns weapons to the shops. No logic is applied to calibration shops based on chapter.

Adjust Conversation Gifts - If this pick is enabled, updates what items characters give to other characters when talking to them to match their new class. Only affects conversations in which characters ordinarily gain items.

Arrange STR/Magazine Growths and Bases - If a character changes from a concrete-only attacker to a magic-only attacker, this choice will bandy their Forcefulness and Magic stats so that their primary attacking stat is the higher stat. Note that hybrid classes that employ at least one physical weapon and one magical weapon (including staves) volition not bandy their stats.

Weapon Assignment - Determines how weapons are assigned after a graphic symbol changes his/her course. There are three options.

  • Sidegrade (Strict) - Uses the closest counterpart to the original weapon they had for their new grade, where possible. When not possible, falls back to the loose sidegrade.
  • Sidegrade (Loose) - Uses whatsoever weapon that matches the rank of their original weapon.
  • Randomize - Uses any weapon that the graphic symbol tin normally use, based on their form and holy blood.

Regular Enemies

Randomizes the minor generic enemies throughout the game. Due to the way the game is designed, these enemies are randomized in blocks, equally whenever the game spawns a platoon of enemies, they are all identical.

Loonshit Enemies

Randomizes the enemies that show upward in the arena for each chapter. Whether each grapheme is a melee character or a ranged grapheme remains unchanged. Boosted logic is applied to avoid having more avant-garde classes in before chapters and in earlier levels of the arena, though this is by no means guaranteed. Arena enemies are assigned random weapons, though there is too logic to avoid stronger weapons in the before levels.


Randomizes the bosses that prove up throughout the game, where a boss is defined as whatever not-recruitable unit of measurement with a portrait. Additionally regular bosses are divers equally those that have no special holy blood or skills. Those bosses that exercise have holy blood or skills beyond their class skills are defined as Holy Bosses.

Holy Claret Options - The sub-choice here is like to the same pick in playable characters randomization. No Change will restrict classes to those that back up the boss's natural holy blood. Randomize unlocks the restriction and picks a holy blood that matches the class. Shuffle is just bachelor if playable characters are randomized and selecting this selection volition force the playable graphic symbol holy blood option to employ the Shuffle pick as well. It does the same as mentioned to a higher place, shuffling all instances of each holy blood to a different, consistent blood.


In that location are three options for determining promotions.

  • Default Promotions - Promotions are set based on the normal promotion path the class has.
  • Similar Promotions - Promotions are set to any class cipher is lost on promotion. This includes weapon ranks/usage, course skills, and movement types/ranges.
    • Allow Mount Alter - This option allows horseback units to promote into fliers and vice versa.
    • Allow Enemy-but Promotions - This option allows units to promote into high-level enemy-just classes, including Baron, Emperor, and Queen.
  • Random Promotions - Promotions are fix randomly, with no regard to the unpromoted class.
    • Requires Common Weapon - Restrict the promotion options to those that share at least one weapon blazon with the unpromoted class.

Buff Enemies

These options all make the game harder by increasing enemy stats, improving their weapons, or granting holy claret and weapons.

Improve Enemy Stats - Increases the class growth rate, which increases the effective stats generic enemies have throughout the game. This also direct increases the base of operations stats for boss characters. In that location are two methods to increment stats.

  • Flat - For generic enemies, this choice adds a apartment amount to growth rates. For bosses, this option increases their base stats in all areas by 1 for every 10% (increases HP by 2 instead of 1 for every 10%).
  • Scaling - For generic enemies, this option multiplies their growth in each stat surface area past (100 + value)%. For bosses, this option multiplies their base of operations stat by (100 + value)% for each expanse.

Amend Enemy Equipment - Gives generic enemies a take a chance to take more interesting or powerful weapons than they normally accept. This choice has no effect on boss equipment.

Force Major Blood and Holy Weapon - This pick but has an effect on holy bosses (bosses that normally have either holy blood or personal skills). For bosses without holy claret, this option assigns them Major Claret based on their class. For bosses with minor holy blood, this option promotes their minor blood to major holy blood. For all holy bosses, gives them the holy weapon corresponding to their major holy blood.


Employ English language Patch - Applies the English translation patch establish hither.

Randomize Rings - Replaces all of the rings found in the game with a random ring.

Fire Keepsake: Binding Bract, Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword, Fire Keepsake: The Sacred Stones


I made some illustrations to show what'southward going on here.

Redistribution - This method only sums a character's growth percentages and doles them back out randomly, which attempts to keep high growth characters with high growths, just in random areas. A variance is allowed to add together or subtract a random amount from their totals earlier redistributing, offering some differences.

This instance assumes variance of 0, and then it's pure redistribution of growths.

Variance - This method attempts to preserve character's original growths, but adds minor tweaks to each in either direction. For case, somebody with loftier STR growth volition take either slightly more or slightly less, depending on the variance given and the random number generator.

This example assumes variance of 20, so each growth surface area tin change by up to xx% in either management.

Total - This method has no attachment to the graphic symbol's original growths and will only assign growth values randomly between the specified minimum and maximum for all stat areas.

It should go without saying that this is assuming a minimum of five% and a maximum of 100%.


As you may know, a character's base stats are the sum of their personal bases and the bases afforded to them by their class.

The randomizer only touches the personal bases.

Redistribution - Sums up the character's bases and randomly assigns them back out. Annotation that negative personal bases are not immune here, and then while the sum can be lowered from a character normally having a negative personal base of operations, the personal bases that we finish upwardly with are strictly positive.

Variance - Adds (or subtracts) a random number upwards to the variance provided to all of a grapheme's bases. Dissimilar redistribution, there is a chance of receiving negative personal bases hither, though no character is allowed to have a negative base after applying their class bases in any surface area.

Other Character Options

Randomize CON - CON (short for Constitution) is a stat that has a base value, just no growth. Each character has a personal CON that's added to the course's base of operations CON to derive their final value. This option randomizes the character's personal CON using a variance. A random number is added or subtracted from their original personal CON and clamped at the minimum CON specified.

Randomize MOV - Motility range is prepare to a single form, and therefore, unlike the previous options, changes in MOV affect every unit in the class, friend and foe alike. For the purpose of this, Male versions are distinct from their Female counterparts when determining distinct classes. For example, a Male Paladin is considered a different class from a Female Paladin. With this option, it's possible that Male person Paladins accept only 5 MOV while Female Paladins may have 8 MOV.

Randomize Affinity - A relatively minor change. Affinity affects support bonuses that a character receives from supporting another unit. This pick but assigns random affinities to your characters, randomizing the support bonuses they receive from each unit.


Randomize MT/Hit/WT/Durability - This randomizes the main stats of every weapon in the game. All of these stats are randomized using a Minimum value, a Maximum value, and a Variance value. This basically adds or subtracts a random number up to the variance value to the stat affected, and then clamps the value between the specified minimum and maximum.

Utilise Random Effects - This is a returning feature from the one-time randomizer, but with more granular controls. Only put, for every weapon in the game, the randomizer will add one of the enabled options to information technology. If a weapon already had a special event, information technology gains another one, if bachelor. Unwanted weapon furnishings can be disabled as desired. Mouse-over each choice when enabled to see a description of what happens for each option.

In that location's a new selection nether this to have prophylactic basic weapons. This ensures that basic weapons (Iron weapons, Fire, Lightning, and Flux) are not given random furnishings. This gives you lot a safe zone to play without early game immediately becoming insane (unless you too plough on the ability to improve enemy weapons or randomize minion classes).

Additionally, an option is available to limit how many items tin can randomly receive effects. At 100%, all weapons (except possibly Iron weapons if the previous setting is checked) volition receive an effect.

Annotation: A few limitations are in place currently for this feature. Due to how ranged axes work, non-ranged axes are ineligible for gaining range or becoming magical weapons. Ranges are besides limited to normally valid ranges in the game.


Randomize Playable Characters - The obvious randomization characteristic, changes the class of every playable graphic symbol to a random form. Starting equipment is modified accordingly. Options to Include Lords and Include Thieves do as they sound. Include Special Classes by and large prevents randomization of dancers/bards as well as Manaketes in the games that characteristic them. They add together the classes to the randomization pool and they add together the characters originally posessing those classes to the character puddle to randomize. Disabling them volition ensure Lord characters and Thief characters remain untouched (usually safer).

An option is also available: Assign Classes Evenly which will attempt to fifty-fifty out the grade distribution then that no one class is overly represented in the consequence.

Note: One new limitation that's in effect for at present is limiting the pool for some characters. To keep things working with minimal issues, characters that have flying mounts can only randomize to another course with a flight mount. Characters that are a course that tin can cross water are limited to classes that can cross water normally (including flying classes). Aforementioned with characters that tin cross mountains. These characters will exist whitelisted over time to exist randomizable.

Randomize Boss Characters - Aforementioned as above, except boss characters. On the note of limitations, even though they're commonly sitting on thrones and are therefore not impacted past movement, scripted scenes might pause if flight bosses are told to cross mountains or bodies of water, so for at present, they are discipline to the same restriction as playable characters.

Randomize Enemy Minions - A new pick this time around is to randomize the classes of the random enemies that you fight. The same restrictions apply for enemies with unique movement costs across different terrains, so once once more, fliers volition remain fliers, etc. Annotation that Thieves are unaffected, since they will remain thieves to apply pressure for chests. Like playable characters, chapters are whitelisted as necessary if they are deemed safe for full randomization. (I think the only affiliate that's weird is Chapter 25, which features pirates and fliers over water.)

Yous tin can plough on all three!

Bases Options - This determines how a unit'south base of operations stats are determined when changing classes. Past default, Yune Retains Final Bases so that the unit'southward effective base stats in-game does not change. The other options volition crusade effective bases to change by either Retaining Personal Bases or by Adjusting Bases to Class where a graphic symbol's last bases are shuffled effectually to emphasize their new course's stronger points. This just applies to playable characters and bosses.

Strength Class Change - This option will try to force characters to change their class when possible. If a character has no valid options to alter to (due to limitations), so they will remain equally they were as a fallback. But otherwise, if a grade can change when this option is enabled, that character will change course.

[FE8] Mix Monster Classes - By default, without this option, class randomization will stay divided betwixt monsters and humans. Any homo characters and minions volition remain as a homo class and whatever monster bosses and minions will remain as a monster class. If this box is checked, then it allows humans to randomize into monster classes and monsters to randomize into human classes.

Enemy Buffs

Idea the game was too easy?

Vitrify Enemy Growths - Random Enemies and their stats are dictated by class growth rates. Normally these growths would be overridden by a grapheme'south personal growths, only enemies don't have that quality, and then they volition scale based on these rates. Normally, they're pretty low, just this option volition increase the growth rates so that, as the game progresses, the enemies volition become tougher, due to the autoleveling routine. There are two options: Apartment and Scaling. Apartment buffs use a constant to all of the growth rates. This mostly makes up for weak points of enemies (tankier myrmidons and faster knights, etc.) A niggling boost will become a long way, particularly for hard fashion, so don't go too crazy with Flat buffs (10 - 20 is a pretty noticeable buff, specially later in the game). Scaling buffs utilise a fraction based off of their original class growths. This generally emphasizes a class'due south strong points (myrmidons that are really fast and knights that are actually tanky). Equally it'due south a fraction, the values is a per centum, where a value of 100% is a doubling of growth rates.

An example using enemy Knights. Also, difficult mode adds phantom levels. :)

Amend Enemy Weapons - This choice selects some enemies and upgrades their weapons to the next level. For example, if an enemy was using an Iron Sword (an Eastward rank weapon), he/she might now be using a Steel Sword (a D rank weapon) or a Longsword (a D rank weapon effective against cavalry), or if he's a myrmidon, a Wo Dao is a possibility (D rank weapon locked to myrmidons and has a high critical charge per unit). You lot can ready how often this happens, anywhere betwixt i% and 100% of minions. Note that this does not affect dominate weaponry.

Vitrify Boss Stats - This choice applies a bonus to all dominate characters' base of operations stats. There are ii modes to determine how big of a bonus is applied, using a multiplier determined by how belatedly in the game the boss appears. The Max Boost allows y'all to gear up the maximum stat proceeds for bosses. This value is applied to the last modified boss of the game. All prior bosses will receive a fraction of that boost.

  • Scale Linearly - This gradually adds a abiding amount from the outset of the game to each boss. Starting bosses receive one stat betoken boost at a minimum, and the rate of increase is evenly distributed throughout the game.

  • Ease In/Ease Out - This curve starts more slowly and ends more slowly, with the biggest deltas in increases reserved for the mid-game. The result is a slower ramp up fourth dimension and a gradual ease into the max stat heave specified. This is likewise sometimes referred to as an S-curve.

Quick math refresher if you need ane. The far left is the prologue, the far right is the endgame.

Miscellaneous Options

Random stuff that may be funny.

[FE6] Use English Patch - This option applies the English language patch from Serenes Forest (https://serenesforest.cyberspace/forums/alphabetize.php?/topic/41095-fe6-localization-patch-v10-seriously-nosotros-did-something/) onto the Japanese FE6 ROM.

Randomize Rewards - Rewards include chests and village items. This encapsultes whatever detail you tin get from villages and chests, simply does not include villages that grant you gilded. As well does not impact whatever items that are given specifically to a character (e.g. Mani Katti). 50% of the time, the detail will exist replaced with a related detail, and the other 50% of the time volition be a completely random particular. Possible items include weapons, stat boosters, promotion items, and any other consumable items. Related items for non-weapons are those that fit into the aforementioned category (i.due east. stat boosters or promotion item). Related items for weapons are those weapons with either the same rank or the same blazon.


This selection swaps around characters so that they join at different parts of the game than they normally do. The way this feature works is that the characters in the game are treated as slots to be filled past an arbitrary grapheme from the playable character pool. The graphic symbol that fills the slot is, for all intents and purposes, treated every bit if they were the slot character they replaced. This is important for determining supports. The options bachelor decide how the stats for characters are calculated when they are leveled or de-leveled to match the slot they fill.

Growth Options

  • Use Make full Growths - Uses the character's original growths. That means, for example, Karel replacing Roy will use Karel'south growths.
  • Apply Slot Growths - Characters use the growths of the character they replace. That means, for example, Nino replacing Rebecca volition utilise Rebecca's growths.
  • Slot Relative Growths - Characters' growths are determined past mapping the slot character'southward growth values to the fill character'due south growth spread.

An example of Slot Relative Growths with Gerik replacing Knoll.

  • Autolevel Base Stats - This option uses the character's growth rates to simulate level gain and level loss to determine their base stats.

    • Utilise Original Growths - Uses the character'south original growths to exercise the autoleveling. Has no effect if the original growth is identical to the new growth (i.e. if "Use Fill Growths" was selected above).
    • Utilize New Growths - Uses the character's new growths to do the autoleveling. It'south only different from original growths if the latter two growth options above are used.
  • Match Base of operations Stats - This option sets the character's base stats to be equal to the base stats of the slot they fill up.

  • Relative Base of operations Stats This option sets the character'southward base stats such that their highest stat matches the highest stat of the slot they make full and the remainder of the stats are based on the character's normal stat spread. See the growth example above, except with bases.

  • Apply Fill Course - This is the default option. Characters that randomize into another character's slot volition retain their normal classes.

  • Use Slot Class - This is an alternative where characters that randomize into another character's slot volition become the class of the graphic symbol they replace.

Include Lords, Thieves, Special Characters - Does exactly as information technology says: allows characters in these respective groups to change their recruitment time. If disabled, that grouping of characters will always join the aforementioned as they usually practice in the vanilla game. Let Cantankerous-Gender Assignments - This option removes the restriction on gender so that males can fill female slots and vice versa.

[FE8] Include Animate being Campaign NPCs - This option adds Fado, Hayden, Glen, and Ismaire to the pool for randomzied recruitment.

Weapon Assignment

These decide how items are assigned when they demand to be assigned (affects randomized classes and randomized recruitment).

  • Strict Matching - Replaces weapons using the closest counterpart to the original weapon.
  • Match Rank - Replaces weapons using whatever weapon that shares the same weapon rank every bit the original weapon.
  • Random - Uses any weapon the character can employ based on his/her weapon ranks.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance


This isn't anything too novel if you've read the in a higher place randomization options. I even reused the same data model when reading these options for FE9, so the options do exactly as they do in a higher place. The simply difference is that, like FE4, at that place is an choice to ensure that the growth rate for STR is college than the growth rate for MAG for physical units and vice versa for magical units. Hybrid units (like Cleric/Valkyrie and Elincia Falcon Knight) have no preference for either.


Also similar to all of the other titles. And again, STR/Magazine options are available to try to make sure a physical unit of measurement doesn't end up with MAG bases at the expense of their STR base (and vice versa for magical units).

CON and Affinity

CON randomization does the same thing, but CON has a very different function in FE9 than in GBAFE. CON (or Build if y'all adopt) merely actually affects shoving and rescuing (and I think maybe the Colossus skill?), then information technology has much less of an effect. Affinity also works the same way, though back up building is much easier in FE9 than in GBAFE, so maybe it'south a bit more interesting hither.


In that location'due south two options this time around (and I might backport this to the GBAFE randomizers).

  • Similar Replacements - Tries to find similar items for replacements. Similar in the sense that a stat booster would exist replaced with another stat booster, a skill scroll replaced past another skill scroll, a consumable being replaced with another consumable, and a weapon replaced with one of the same type or of the same rank.
  • Random Replacements - Replaces chests, villages, and desert items with completely random rewards (the sometime logic)


This, in my opinion, is the virtually interesting. Two high level options here:

  • Randomize Existing Skills - This option simply randomizes skills that already exist into different skills. Information technology does not requite any skills to characters that didn't accept them ordinarily.
  • Fully Randomize Skills - This options gives each character a chance of having a skill. This means some characters that previously didn't accept skills may gain them, and some characters may lose them. The chance for a skill tin can be customized, and 100% means all characters volition get 1 skill.

Y'all'll also realize that, if you're familiar with FE4, that at that place is no option for the number of skills. This is primarily due to the capacity system. The cheapest skill costs v and the most expensive, non-occult skill, costs 15. This lines up well with mounted units having a max capacity of 15 (unpromoted), so each character can only have one skill assigned to them. I haven't decided on how to manage occult scrolls withal, then those are non included in the randomization nonetheless.


This is probably the buggiest option. I think I've managed to get about battle animations to piece of work accordingly, only there's always the chance that a character later on in the game causes bug, because I haven't been able to exam that far. The options should look familiar, just I'll go over them briefly. Include Lords volition randomizes Ike'southward class and add Ranger to the class pool. I'thousand not certain almost how this breaks endgame, so I may need more modifications to make things possible with a non-Lord Ike. Include Thieves basically touch on Volke and Sothe and let them to alter class and adds thieves to the randomization pool (I'k non sure if this works properly either). Include Special Classes basically just means Reyson, and there should be logic to make certain you only go at nearly ane heron if this is included (as 2 herons is basically a free win). Allow Crossgender Assignments does as you expect, attempting to proceed gender lines consistent. Allow Cross-race Assignments is new, simply you can approximate that this ways crossing Beorc and Laguz classes. This applies for bosses and minions as well.

Bosses work every bit you expect, though there might be additional logic for bosses that I haven't added yet, and I haven't tested cross-race assignments yet. Minions are also in the same boat, but in addition to not knowing if cross-race assignments piece of work, some minions are directly referenced by their ID in chapter scripts, and those IDs need to be a specific class, so even if you force 100% of minions to modify class, some volition exist immune to change to make sure the game is still functional.

Finally, Force Class Change does exactly as y'all expect and ensures that no character that is randomized ends up with the same class.

Vitrify Enemies

Buffing minions work the same way every bit yous are used to from GBAFE. Their form growths decide how they calibration subsequently into the game. Improving their weapons gives a chance of giving them a higher rank weapon. Only more interestingly, it'southward possible to requite minions random skills. This includes all normal skills, but excludes skills that don't make sense (like Provoke, Shade, Paragon, or Flower). Like the weapons, a chance tin can be assigned for minions to receive skills.

Buffing bosses, on the other hand, looks to be borked, currently, considering for any reason, FE9 doesn't load boss character stats from the graphic symbol data. I suspect this is in the chapter script, but I haven't verified it yet. That said, boss weapons and boss skills are functional, so they should work.

Sample Screenshots

Prissy-to-have Features

  • Fixing boxing animation palettes. I think I tin programmatically assign proper looking colors based on classes, only I'1000 non sure yet. This is really washed at present. It mostly works, though information technology occasionally gives an odd colour.
  • Fixing text to match items. Makes random weapon effects less infuriating to play. Washed!
  • Fixing world map sequences to be somewhat more than accurate to a unit'due south class. Done!
  • Allowing melee axes to proceeds range.
  • Remove limitations on course randomization. This is mostly resolved using a blacklist of characters and capacity which go along to limit form choices. All other characters and chapters are allowed to fully randomize classes.
  • Add random fun ASM changes (Ranging from streamlining changes similar removing the need to stand up adjacent to a unit of measurement for support, to infurating, like 1RN, or Thracia-style 1-99 Hit.)

Adjacent Steps (Kind of in order)

  • Add in FE6 back up. Washed!
  • Add in regional support outside of North America. (Should also exist straightforward)
  • Add in FE8 back up. Done!
  • Add in FE4 back up. (For the lulz, and more often than not considering it's possible and I have some fun ideas)
  • Add in FE9/10 support - In that location was a proof of concept for this randomizer made, so it might exist time to start looking into seriously supporting this. (I hateful, I can't phone call it Yune and so non support FE10.)

Wishful thinking (probably non happening any fourth dimension before long)

  • Research FE3/five support. (Need to actually end these games to understand them)
  • Research 3DSFE support. (Similar to extracting data from ISO and recompiling)


Posted by: rosemordice.blogspot.com

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